Printer/EditorImprenta-Papelería Sucre de Jorge F. Molestina
Place of printingGuayaquil
CopyUniversity of Toronto Libraries, Downsview, Toronto, PC...

Printer/EditorImpr. del Colegio Nacional Vicente Rocafuerte
Place of printingGuayaquil
CopyUniversity of Toronto Libraries, Downsview, Toronto, PC...

Printer/EditorImpr. del Colegio Nacional Vicente Rocafuerte
Place of printingGuayaquil
CopyUniversity of Toronto Libraries, Downsview, Toronto, PC...

Printer/EditorImpr. del C. N. Vicente Rocafuerte
Place of printingGuayaquil
CopyUniversity of Toronto Libraries, Downsview, Toronto, PC...

Printer/EditorLibrería, Papelería e Imprenta Gutenberg de E. A. Uzcát...
Place of printingGuayaquil
CopyUniversity of Toronto Libraries, Downsview, Toronto, PC...
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