Dictionaries, grammatical treaties and history of the language: All records 

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Printer/EditorJosé Aramendía
Place of printingPamplona
CopyFundación Sancho El Sabio, Vitoria, ZRV 919

Printer/EditorTipografía de José de Astuy
Place of printingBilbao
CopyFundación Sancho El Sabio, Vitoria, ATV 11102

Printer/EditorGinn, Heath & Company
Place of printingBoston-Nueva York-Chicago
CopyUniversity of Virginia, Alderman Library, Charlottesvil...

Printer/EditorGinn & Company
Place of printingBoston-Nueva York-Chicago
CopyHarvard University Library, Harvard Depository, Cambrid...

Printer/EditorD. C. Heath & Company
Place of printingBoston-Nueva York-Chicago
CopyNew York Public Library, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building...

Printer/EditorEl Semanario Católico Vasco-Navarro
Place of printingVitoria
CopyBibliothèque Nationale de France, París, Z BASQUE-280

Printer/EditorImprenta de Raimundo de Salazar
Place of printingQuito
CopyThe John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, Provid...

Printer/EditorEstablecimiento Tipográfico de los Sucesores de N. Ramí...
Place of printingBarcelona
CopyUniversity of Michigan Library, Buhr Shelving Facility,...

Printer/EditorM. D. Berlitz
Place of printingNueva Yotk
CopyHarvard University Library, Widener Collection, Cambrid...
Printer/EditorM. D. Berlitz-T. Berlitz School-Siegfried Cronbach
Place of printingNueva York-París-Londres-Berlín
CopyHarvard University, Monroe C. Gutman Library, Special C...

Printer/EditorBerlitz & Co.-T. H. Castor-S. Cronbach
Place of printingNueva York-Boston-Berlín
Dateca. 1912
CopyHarvard University Library, Widener Collection, Cambrid...

Printer/EditorBerlitz & Co.-C. Shoenhof-S. Cronbach
Place of printingNueva York-Boston-Berlín
Dateca. 1912
CopyUniversity of Michigan Library, Buhr Shelving Facility,...