Dictionaries, grammatical treaties and history of the language: All records 

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Printer/EditorOficina Tip. de la Secretaría de Fomento
Place of printingMéxico
CopyUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Biblioteca Cen...

Printer/Editors. n.
Place of printing¿Sampaloc?
Date[1801 o 1804]
CopyThe John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, Provid...

Printer/EditorImprenta de D. J. M. Dayot por Tomás Oliva
Place of printing[Manila]
CopyUniversity of Santo Tomas, Miguel de Benavides Library ...

Printer/EditorImprenta de D. J. M. Dayot por Tomás Oliva
Place of printing[Manila]
CopyBayerische Staatsbibliothek, Múnich, L.as. 444 m

Printer/EditorImprenta de D. J. M. Dayot por Tomás Oliva
Place of printing[Manila]
CopyUniversity of Oxford, Bodleian Library, Oxford, (OC) 30...

Printer/EditorImprenta de D. J. M. Dayot por Tomás Oliva
Place of printing[Manila]
CopyBiblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid, HA/18428

Printer/EditorImprenta de D. J. M. Dayot por Tomás Oliva
Place of printing[Manila]
CopyAyala Foundation, Inc., Filipinas Heritage Library, Man...
CopyBrigham Young University, Harold B. Lee Library, Provo ...

Printer/EditorFrancisco Rodríguez Lupercio
Place of printingMéxico
CopyBiblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid, R/8565

Printer/EditorFrancisco Rodríguez Lupercio
Place of printingMéxico
CopyThe John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, Provid...

Printer/EditorFrancisco Rodríguez Lupercio
Place of printingMéxico
CopyThe John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, Provid...

Printer/EditorFrancisco Rodríguez Lupercio
Place of printingMéxico
CopyBiblioteca Nacional de Chile, Santiago de Chile, SM 448...
CopyBrigham Young University, Harold B. Lee Library, Provo ...
Dates. XIX
CopyBrigham Young University, Harold B. Lee Library, Provo ...
Dates. f.
CopyBrigham Young University, Harold B. Lee Library, Provo ...

Printer/EditorImprenta de la viuda de Miguel Ortega
Place of printingPuebla de los Ángeles
CopyAgencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el D...

Printer/EditorImprenta de la viuda de Miguel Ortega
Place of printingPuebla de los Ángeles
CopyBrigham Young University, Harold B. Lee Library, Provo ...

Printer/EditorImprenta de la Viuda de Miguel de Ortega
Place of printingPuebla
CopyThe John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, Provid...
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