«Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española. A tool for society»

Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española, first prize in the V edition of Madrid Complutense University's Knowledge and Technology Transfer awards (2020)
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PROJECT DIRECTOR: Manuel Alvar Ezquerra 


Data protection and confidentiality

In compliance with the stipulations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that came into effect on 25 May 2018, we inform our users that the personal data provided to the BVFE will be included in a database of data of a personal nature created and maintained by STILOGO S.L (B-93473007). The files managed by STILOGO S.L. (www.stilogo.com - www.traduma.com) are duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency and the company has undertaken the technical and organizational measures necessary to comply with regulations on the Protection of Personal Data. In the case of your contacting us and providing data of a personal nature, we inform you that your data may be included in our database in order to contact you in relation with your request. The data you provide will only be used for the purposes for which it has been provided and you understand and accept that STILOGO S.L. will solely and elusively communicate the data to third parties in order to carry out the contractual purpose for which it was provided. Any other use will require your express prior consent. You may, at any time, exercise your right to access, correct, cancel or oppose the processing of your personal data in the terms and under the conditions stipulated in current data protection laws and regulations. The user may cancel a subscription to the Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española from the "Cancel subscription" (cancelar suscripción) option in the subscription module. For all other cases, a written request should be sent to the registered address of the company that manages the web platform: STILOGO S.L., Calle Marques de Salamanca, 3, 2ºA, 29620, Torremolinos, Malaga; email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; phone (+34) 952 38 06 87.

The BVFE undertakes to maintain the utmost confidentiality and privacy at all times regarding any information that the user may provide, regardless of the manner in which it is communicated, in order to avoid unauthorized use or processing by third parties, whatever the reason may be for termination of the relationship.

The BVFE will collect data of a personal nature exclusively for administrative purposes in order to provide the user of the service with information and to personalize and improve the service. The BVFE has installed the necessary measures to guarantee the security of data of a personal nature, and to prevent its modification, loss, processing or access by unauthorized persons taking into account the current state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which it is exposed, whether said risks are the result of human action, or physical or natural means. All of the above is in compliance with the stipulations of current legislation regarding data protection and specifically in reference to security measures for automated databases that contain data of a personal nature. The person in charge of the database and any person who comes into contact with the data at any stage of data processing is sworn to professional secrecy regarding the data and has the obligation to maintain confidentiality, and these obligations continue even when their relationship with the owner of the database or, if applicable, with the person in charge of the database.

In the event of legal proceedings, the Parties (BFVE /User) expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Law of the City of Malaga, which shall be understood for all effects and purposes as the place of performance of the obligation, expressly waiving any applicable jurisdiction that may correspond should the case arise.


Website Conditions of Use

There are conditions of use that the user must be aware of before accessing the Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española website; by accessing the site the user fully accepts without any reservations the following stipulations:

In its website, the BVFE offers bibliographic content that may be added, removed or modified with no prior warning at the discretion of the administrators. Access to the site is free of charge but the user undertakes to use the BVFE website in compliance with the law, generally accepted good habits or practices and public order. The user will therefore abstain from using the site and its content for purposes that are illicit, commercial or contrary to the rights and interests of the BVFE or third parties, or which in any way may overload, saturate, damage or disable the website.

The BVFE reserves the right to modify or update these conditions of use and the privacy policy without prior notice. In such cases, the changes will be announced before they are put into practice, for which reason the user should periodically reread these terms of use. Once any changes have been communicated, use of the BVFE's services will imply acceptance by the user of the new terms and conditions.


Intellectual property

Users may view the elements of the Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española website, print them and store them on the hard drive of their computer or in any other physical media solely and exclusively for personal private use. The transformation, public communication or any other form of exploitation for commercial purposes or for profit is therefore absolutely forbidden, as is the manipulation, modification or alteration of the content without the express prior written consent of the administrators of the BVFE. In the event that the software components and extensions are the property of third parties, Stilogo, the website developer, has purchased the corresponding rights and licenses of use on behalf of the BVFE.

The Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española is a directory that selects the locations of digital copies and includes URL addresses in its database, but it does not possess any rights of ownership over the selected content, nor does it host the content in its server. When a user wishes to access content that is of interest, the copy will be shown in the original website, in a new window that is independent of the BVFE.

The BVFE takes no responsibility whatsoever regarding the intellectual property rights of third parties that the user may infringe.


Disclaimer of guarantees and limitation of liability for website use

BVFE makes no guarantee and takes no responsibility under any circumstances for any damages derived from:

a) the lack of availability or continuity of this website, or its working without problems, technical difficulties or problems of any other kind;

b) the presence or transmission of computer viruses or malware on the net, especially in the case of user equipment being damaged as a consequence of accessing, use or examination of this website;

c) any offence or breach of contract of any type occasioned by third parties that the user has accessed via BVFE's website and any infringements, negligence or illegality that may arise from such actions in matters regarding patent rights or copyright, confidential business information or contractual commitments, or to third party privacy, honour, image or property rights among others.

d) the reception, obtaining, storage, transmission or dissemination of the content by users;

e) carrying out unfair competition or unlawful publicity as a consequence of services rendered by third parties via the BVFE's website.


External links

The BVFE offers links to websites that host works of lexicography, grammar, orthography, the history of language, etc. The user should be aware that when visiting an external link, they will be bound by the terms and conditions of the new website.


Intellectual and industrial property

All of the brands, logos, trade names, distinctive signs, content, texts, photographs, graphics, images, software, links and information of any other nature that appear in this website are protected by intellectual property rights and may not therefore be reproduced, distributed, publicly communicated, transformed or modified without the express authorization of the legal owner.


Directiva europea sobre el uso de cookies

A cookie is a small text file that a website may install on the hard drive of a user's computer/device in order to collect information about user browsing habits. Specifically, we use:

Google Analytics: Google may use this data to improve its own services and to offer services to other companies.

You can find all of the relevant information by following these links:



This tool does not collect the personal data of users or the postal address from which users connect. The information obtained is related with the number of pages visited, the language, the IP address that access is made from, the number of users who visit the website, the frequency and repetition of visits, visit duration, the browser, the operator or type of terminal from which access is made. This information is used to improve the website, detect new needs and evaluate improvements in order to provide a better service for users.

Cookies used by social networking sites: the BVFE has installed an external application that allows the user to share content on social networking sites. The cookies used by social networks save the user from having to enter their personal data again in order to share content. These buttons do not have access to the data entered by the users when they share content on a social network. You may allow, know, block or eliminate the cookies installed on your device by configuring the options of the browser installed on your computer/device. You can find out how to do this for the browser you are using by clicking on the corresponding link that follows:

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-que-los-sitios-we

Chrome: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=es&answer=95647

Edge: https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/help/4468242/microsoft-edge-browsing-data-and-privacy

Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/ph5042


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La Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española permite metabúsquedas dentro de los ejemplares. Disponible para ejemplares de la BNE, Biblioteca Foral de Bizkaia e Internet Archive.

Accede a la Búsqueda avanzada y haz scroll hasta el campo posterior a Lenguas y variedades. Introduce el término y pulsa en Buscar.

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La Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española permite metabúsquedas dentro de los ejemplares. Disponible para ejemplares de la BNE, Biblioteca Foral de Bizkaia e Internet Archive.

Pincha cualquiera de los registros obtenidos para abrir la ficha correspondiente a los datos de la obra.

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La Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española permite metabúsquedas dentro de los ejemplares. Disponible para ejemplares de la BNE, Biblioteca Foral de Bizkaia e Internet Archive.

Haz clic en Acceder para cargar el ejemplar digitalizado en su fuente.

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La Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española permite metabúsquedas dentro de los ejemplares. Disponible para ejemplares de la BNE, Biblioteca Foral de Bizkaia e Internet Archive.

El término buscado se mostrará destacado en el listado de páginas donde aparece o dentro del propio ejemplar, según admita cada repositorio.

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Ahora la Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española incorpora metadatos para que los investigadores gestionen mejor nuestros recursos

Utiliza las aplicaciones de gestión bibliográfica de Zotero y Mendeley para manejar los datos de los registros. Estas aplicaciones están disponibles de forma gratuita tanto para escritorio como en extensiones que pueden agregarse a los navegadores web.

Last update of the Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española 27/03/2025

BVFE currently contains 13265 records